Tue 18 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
★ H O T T E S T ★ Y 0 U N G E S T ★ 100% REAL ★ !!! *** A*V*A*I*L*A*B*L*E N O W !!!!' - 21
(San Fernando Valley, 101fwy/405/ RESEDA!! UPSCALE LOCATION!!)
HOT & Passionate 🌺🌷💋femenine 🌺💋🌷❤️Ts 💋🌷 🌺❤️RealOne🌺🌷💋💋❤️🌷No Games - 29
(NORTH HOLLYWOOD, San Fernando Valley)
★★Hot Body beautiful soft Skin ★100% companionship in all my Sessions ★ ♥♥♥Incall - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Lankershim/ magnolia 101/170 fwy)
Mon 13 Jan
Hot Sexy Passable TransSexual 36D Boobs nice Booty. Let me be your BoTTom Princess ? - 24
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD lankershim/magnolia)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
SHEMALE ready to serve and satisfy
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
Thu 09 Jan
* * W H A T- Y O U - S E E - I S - W H A T - Y O U - G E T !! * * "(100% REAL PICS)" - 20
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS BLVD)
Tue 07 Jan
* * W H A T- Y O U - S E E - I S - W H A T - Y O U - G E T !! * * "(100% REAL PICS)" - 20
(San Fernando Valley, VAN NUYS BLVD)
Mon 06 Jan
Want Something BEAUTIFUL & DIFFERENT? Call ME (832-466-2506) F/F IN or OUT - 22
(Sherman Oaks, Hollywood (Franklin & Gower))
█████████ ◆SMOKIN HOT ██████ ◆EXOTIC ██████ ◆PERFECT BODY ██████ ◆1OO% REAL ! ██████████ - - 27
(North Hollywood, north hollywood)
💕🌴🌸 CLiCK H€R€ NoW 💕🌴🌸 PaRaDiSE AwAiTS YoU 💕🌴🌸 SuP€R S€xx iS RiGhT H€R€ 💕🌴 - 30
(NORTH HOLLYWOOD, San Fernando Valley)
Unique Great Personality Combination Of Hot And Fun Just Come Visit You Wont Regret - 27
(north hollywood, San Fernando Valley)
1⃣0⃣💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖✨✨✨EXOTIC ASIAN TS ULTIMATE FANTASY✨✨✨💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, 💖💖💖SHERMAN OAKS 405/101💖💖💖💖💘✨✨✨✨💖✨✨💖)
BIGGEST SECRET TREASURE ———— Busty Shemale Vixen w BIGDONG——— 1 - O - O % Authentic —— ✪PARTY GIRL - 27
(DOWNTOWN - WILSHIRE BLVD, Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley)
:.♥ :*¨¨*:ts: BEST SKILLS....BEST RACK......WOW SHE'S STACKED *:ts.♥ :*¨¨*:: - - 20
(sanfernando valle)
H O T!!! S E X Y !!! L A T I N A !!! T S !!! T O P !!! B O T T O M !!!R E A D Y- 2- P L A Y visiting - 30
(NORTH HOLLYWOOD, San Fernando Valley)
★ H O T T E S T ★ Y 0 U N G E S T ★ 100% REAL ★ !!! *** A*V*A*I*L*A*B*L*E N O W !!!!' - 21
(San Fernando Valley, 101fwy/405/ RESEDA!! UPSCALE LOCATION!!)
Sun 05 Jan
★ .¸¸.´¯ ; visiting From Costa Rica ★ .¸¸.´¯ ; SeXy GoDDeSS "818- 3050858 " - 22 - 23
(San Fernando Valley)
💛Sexi B/L/O/N/D.E Ts KnOCkouT 🔥 AMAzinG BoDY 👍 100 % REAL ***no hablo español $100 special allday - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Oxnard/ ventura)
SHEMALE ready to serve and satisfy
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
★ H O T T E S T ★ Y 0 U N G E S T ★ 100% REAL ★ !!! *** A*V*A*I*L*A*B*L*E N O W !!!!' - 21
(San Fernando Valley, 101fwy/405/ RESEDA!! UPSCALE LOCATION!!)
❤💚TASTE THE CREME DELA CREME 🌟🌸 BUSTY 🌺🌺 Beauty 💚❤🌺S.P.R.E.A.DING 🌺🌺 YoU 💚 Beyond 🌸🌟Belief💚❤ - - 27
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD)
Stunning beauty of your dreams Finally a reality with my illuminating body and personality. - 24
(Woodland HIlls canoga park north hills)
TS Stunner !! SeXy ~~~~~~ LeT Me SEDUCE YoU !!!! Making fAnTaSiEs Come True - 22
(San Fernando Valley, SFV, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Glendale)
Sat 04 Jan
✨THE Youngest and Hottest in town! TS Luna✨ Exotic Latina Barbie Doll 😍 - 18
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS)
⏩🆕 TS BOMBSHELL ▓ ╠╣EAVY SHOOTER FF💦💦👄👅 8 1/2" Girthy🍆 »🔥MoNsTeRMeAt🔥🔥 ★★★★★ TOP-💯% UPSCALE/DISCREET - 24
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟5-STAR PRIVATE APT)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💨 Blo You Away w. My AMAZING LIPS!●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● JUICY&SWEET; ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Make U Fall N Love ● - 24
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
^*^*^*^* 9nch FF Fantasies and fetishes all welcome^*^*^*^*^ - 21
(San Fernando Valley, North Hollywood)
Fri 03 Jan
LA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL HEARTTHROB! Call me before you miss out! Beautiful & Edgy TBabe- Taylor X! - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Studio City/NoHo/INCALL)
*► 🍼💝🍦LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET 👙👠💄💝NO ONE 🎠💦👄DOES IT 🍆🎱☔ LIKE ME ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ - 20
(San Fernando Valley, North Hollywood / Burbank Airport)
*¨¨*-: ✦ :-*__B __R __ E__A __T__H__T__A __K__ I __N__G__*-: ✦ :-*¨¨* - 20
WHOOAA 1⃣0⃣0⃣ SPECIAL‼️ Super NeW Ts BOOM-ing Body +10" 🍆🍆🍆*Fully Functional* POW💥 💥💥\\ PARTY GIRL\\✨ Available NOW - 20
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys 1⃣0⃣0⃣ Special!!)
SUPER HUNG Tgirl😻10 inches FF 💦💦 👑🐝Q U E E N ➜ O F ➜ D O M I N AN C E 🔨🚬🔮 F E T I S H and P A R T Y and MORE✔️ - 22
(Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS/VAN NUYS Well Reviewed✔️)
One of the most Respectful, Beautiful, and Passionate TS jawdroppers in the WORLD! Jessica J! - 19
(LA/Hollywood/Studio City)
Amazing_BODY *_*THICK 10" FF*_ * sEXY _* Lips* _ * Bubble _ * BUTT*_ * 100%* _ * Real* _* PIX - 20
(Van Nuys)
★ .¸¸.´¯ ; TS VIVI ★ .¸¸.´¯ ; SeXy GoDDeSS "818-3171547 " - 22 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, North Hills, Nordhoff&405fwy)
WOW so hot this weather makes me want to ummm come find out !!!!!!!!!! - 21 - 21
(san fernando valley)
Come Sink or Let Us Sink YOUR De Mayo>> 2 Black Ts are ready For All Night Long Fun ! - 28
:❤:-•* BEAUTIFUL *•-: ❤ :-•*¨¨*•. SEXY*•-: ❤ EXOTIC :-•*¨¨*•. TS PLAYMATE 8X5 F/F - 20
(North Hollywood)
Thu 02 Jan