Mon 27 Jan
( In/OuTCaLLs ) ☆ UNRUShEd ☆ (ULTiMAtE) ☆ PLEASURE ☆ aLL NatuRaL ☆ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, OUTCALL ONLY!!!!!)
💖👄 🍇LovelyLatinas👅 405/10 Freeway - 24
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica/Brentwood/BeverlyHills/Culve, Westside)
Luxury Spa! 🔥Sauna/Showers 🚿🛁Lovely Latinas 🎯405/10 Freeway! - 26
(Beverly Hills, Carson, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Santa Moni)
🍇🍭LovelyLatinas🎯405/10 Fwy 💧Showers/Saunas. - 25
(Beverly Hills, Carson, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Bernardino, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Sa)
Sun 12 Jan
🛀🏼🚿💄Showers 🔥Saunas💄 Lovely Latinas👙 🎯405/10 Freeway - 26
(Beverly Hills, Carson, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica/BeverlyHills/CulverCity, Westside)
( OuTCaLLs ) ☆ UNRUShEd ☆ (ULTiMAtE) ☆ PLEASURE ☆ aLL NatuRaL ☆ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, OUTCALLS)
Sat 11 Jan
~ ೋ~* S w e E t *ೋ* S e D u C T i V e ~ೋ~38DD ~ೋ E x O t I C~ೋ - 21
===== Chinese Massage with New Good Looking Beauties Messeurs ====== 310-577-9457 - 25
(San Fernando Valley)
Fri 10 Jan
P u R e °**° S e D u C t I o N °*R u S s I a N and L a t i n a*** culver city/venice incalls
(culver city/ venice/ santa monica incall)
. ♛ ; .•:¨* S P E C I A L S ! PETiTE E X O T I C FiLiPiNA Mixx *¨*:•. ♛ ; .•: - 21
(Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles/West LA/Culver City)
P u R e °**° S e D u C t I o N °*R u S s I a N and L a t i n a*** culver city/venice incalls
(culver city/ venice/ santa monica incall)
Thu 09 Jan
New 🤗Hot 🔥Latinas! 💖👄 🍇LovelyLatinas👅 405/10 Freeway - 24
(Beverly Hills, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica/Brentwood/BeverlyHills/Culve, Wests)
SATURDAY SPECIAL!!! _______ BUSTY _______ BOMBSHELL ________ Ready ________ 2 ________ PLAY! - 24
(west la)
Wed 08 Jan
. ♛ ; .•:¨* S P E C I A L S ! PETiTE E X O T I C FiLiPiNA Mixx *¨*:•. ♛ ; .•: - 21
(Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles/West LA/Culver City)
~ ೋ~* S w e E t *ೋ* S e D u C T i V e ~ೋ~38DD ~ೋ E x O t I C~ೋ - 21
( OuTCaLLs ) ☆ UNRUShEd ☆ (ULTiMAtE) ☆ PLEASURE ☆ aLL NatuRaL ☆ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, OUTCALLS)
◾️🔴◾️ LATINA in West Hollywood ➡️ Hablo Español ⬅️ ◾️🔴◾️ - 23
(San Fernando Valley, West Hollywood Outcalls)
Tue 07 Jan
SATURDAY SPECIAL!!! _______ BUSTY _______ BOMBSHELL ________ Ready ________ 2 ________ PLAY! - 24
(west la)
Luxury Spa! 🔥Sauna/Showers 🚿🛁Lovely Latinas 🎯405/10 Freeway! - 26
(Beverly Hills, Carson, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, Santa Moni)
🍓⭐️LuxurySpa! 🍇🍭LovelyLatinas🎯405/10 Fwy 💧Showers/Saunas. - 25
(Beverly Hills, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Bernardino, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gab)
NEW 💎 Very Sweet Petite H🔥TTIE ! Visiting 👅 💦😍Specials 🍭 - 23
(Hollywood, Los Angeles, Outcall most valley and la areas, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica)
Exotic Freak with Natural 36DDs Fetish Friendlly!! *2 Girl - 25
(San Fernando Valley, SFVNoHo/West LA/Culver City)
Mon 06 Jan
* * * * * S M O K i N -- H O T T * * * * * { DROP DEAD GORGEOUS } > > > > > BaRBiE DoLL < < < < < - 22
(burbank/sfv/van nuys/lax/hollywood)
P u R e °**° S e D u C t I o N °*R u S s I a N and L a t i n a*** culver city/venice incalls
(Los Angeles)
🍓⭐️LuxurySpa! 🍇🍭LovelyLatinas🎯405/10 Fwy 💧Showers/Saunas. - 25
(Beverly Hills, Carson, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica)
Brand New Godess 323 799 5731 ***OutCalls Wecomed Incalls Invited** Blonde Hair Bi Racial Diva - 21
(Outcalls 405,10,105,110,91,5 freeways)
New 🤗Hot 🔥Latinas! 💖🍒LuxurySpa! 🍇LovelyLatinas👅 405/10 Freeway - 24
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica/Brentwood/BeverlyHills/Culve, Westsi)
New 🤗Hot 🔥Latinas! 💖👄 🍇LovelyLatinas👅 405/10 Freeway - 24
(Beverly Hills, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica/Brentwood/BeverlyHills/Culve, Wests)
NEW 💎 Very Sweet Petite H🔥TTIE ! Visiting 👅 💦😍Specials 🍭 - 23
(Hollywood, Los Angeles, Outcall most valley and la areas, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica)
*:: ;.:* NEW!! NEW ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* H0TTEST EX0TIC ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* SEXy SPECiALS *:: ;.:* - 19
(van nuys studio city sherman oaks sfv)
Sun 05 Jan
( In/OuTCaLLs ) ☆ UNRUShEd ☆ (ULTiMAtE) ☆ PLEASURE ☆ aLL NatuRaL ☆ - 25
(San Fernando Valley, OUTCALL ONLY!!!!!)
*:: ;.:* NEW!! NEW ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* H0TTEST EX0TIC BlonDe ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* SPECiALS *:: ;.:* - 19
(van nuys studio city sherman oaks sfv)
🍓⭐️LuxurySpa! 🍇🍭LovelyLatinas🎯405/10 Fwy 💧Showers/Saunas. - 25
(Beverly Hills, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Bernardino, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gab)
Exotic Freak with Natural 36DDs Fetish Friendlly!! *2 Girl - 25
(San Fernando Valley, SFVNoHo/West LA/Culver City)
New 🤗Hot 🔥Latinas! 💖🍒LuxurySpa! 🍇LovelyLatinas👅 405/10 Freeway - 24
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica/Brentwood/BeverlyHills/Culve, Westsi)
Sat 04 Jan
*:: ;.:* NEW!! NEW ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* H0TTEST EX0TIC BlonDe ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* SPECiALS *:: ;.:* - 19
(van nuys studio city sherman oaks sfv)
💖👄 🍇LovelyLatinas👅 405/10 Freeway - 24
(Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica/Brentwood/BeverlyHills/Culve, Westside)
*:: ;.:* NEW!! NEW ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* H0TTEST EX0TIC ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* SEXy SPECiALS *:: ;.:* - 19
(van nuys studio city sherman oaks sfv)
Fri 03 Jan
🍓⭐️LuxurySpa! 🍇🍭LovelyLatinas🎯405/10 Fwy 💧Showers/Saunas. - 25
(Beverly Hills, Carson, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Norwalk, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica)
Super SexXy LaTina **Flawless body and beautiful Face ** Quality Service - 20
(San Fernando Valley, los angeles/ beverly hills/ west LA)
🛀🏼🚿💄Showers 🔥Saunas💄 Lovely Latinas👙 🎯405/10 Freeway - 26
(Beverly Hills, Carson, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica/BeverlyHills/CulverCity, Westside)
💖🍒LuxurySpa! 🍇LovelyLatinas👅 405/10 Freeway - 24
(Beverly Hills, Carson, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica/Brentwood/BeverlyHills/Culv)
🍇🍭LovelyLatinas🎯405/10 Fwy 💧Showers/Saunas. - 25
(Beverly Hills, Carson, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, San Bernardino, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Sa)
* * * * * S M O K i N -- H O T T * * * * * { DROP DEAD GORGEOUS } > > > > > BaRBiE DoLL < < < < < - 22
(burbank/sfv/van nuys/lax/hollywood)
P u R e °**° S e D u C t I o N °*R u S s I a N and L a t i n a*** culver city/venice incalls
(Los Angeles)
💖🍒LuxurySpa! 🍇LovelyLatinas👅 405/10 Freeway - 24
(Beverly Hills, Carson, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Hollywood, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica, SantaMonica/Brentwood/BeverlyHills/Culv)
Thu 02 Jan